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Surface Tension Determinations for Liquids and Melts -
under both equilibrium and non-equilibrium conditions, surface ages
as low as 5 milliseconds, both with and without polar and dispersive
components, and Lewis acid and Lewis base splits - pendant drop, Wilhelmy
plate, DuNouy ring, melt capabilities up to 350oC
Interfacial Tension Determinations - liquid/liquid
and liquid/solid, both equilibrium and non-equilibrium conditions, liquid/liquid
tensions as low as 0.01mN/m, interface ages as short as 0.5 seconds,
adsorption/diffusion coefficients and activation energies for adsorption
for interfacially active molecules, pendant drop, drop volume, and ASTM
D971 DuNouy ring methods
Contact Angle and Surface Energy Determinations -
for any solid material, porous materials and non-porous materials, powders,
membranes, fibers, papers, Washburn, sessile drop, dynamic contact angle
techniques, even vapor sorption techniques available, all varieties
of surface energy theories applied, polar/disperse, acid/base, three-phase
contact angles, captive bubble, captive drop, high speed measuring of
apparent contact angles during droplet penetration into porous surfaces,
FREE immersional free energy and/or adhesion energy calculations
Critical Micelle Concentrations - by either surface
tension or interfacial tension techniques, as appropiate for your materials,
surfactant synergism, hydrotropes, polymer/surfactant, protein/surfactant,
and colloid/surfactant interaction studies, also available, 40 concentration
duplicate determinations to really pin-point the CMC, buffers and controlled
pH environments, no problem
Moisture Sorption Studies - full RH and temperature
control up to 80oC, sample pre-drying, real time data processing for
accurate sorption kinetics due to any temperature or RH step, gravimetric,
micro and mesoporous materials, pharmaceutical powders, characterization
of moisture transfer properties for packaging materials, complete isotherms,
deliquescence studies - sorption studies with other gases including
mass spectrometer analysis of desorbed materials handled at our partner
laboratory in the U.K.
Surface and Interfacial Rheology Studies - determination
of the elastic and viscous moduli of a surface or interface, and quantification
of the Marangoni effect for surfaces and interfaces subjected to controlled
perturbuations, one of the most quantitative methods available for understanding
molecular movements at surfaces and interfaces - as they relate to foaming
and emulsion stabilization
Density Determinations - liquids or solids, 4 place
Particle Size Distribution Experiments - and sedimentation
rate experiments, for particles in colloidal dispersions which settle,
and can be evaluated by the Stokes-Einstein expression
Wet Density of Porous Solids - as is important for
accurate particle size distribution determinations by sedimentation
experimentation using the Stokes-Einstein expression
Viscosity Determinations for Liquids - low shear,
3 place accuracy
Dissolution Rate Experiments - for solids which dissolve
in liquids, accurate gravimetric approaches to dissolved mass = f (time)
Penetration Experiments - force = f (depth) data for
penetration into soft solids and sediments